
Changing Careers as a Fargo Jobs Seeker

It's a common desire to seek for more, to improve one's station and to "climb the ladder." If you feel stuck in your current job, then you may consider changing your career. Changing careers is not a decision to be taken lightly, but if you go through with it, here are some goals to keep in mind while you apply for Fargo jobs. These tips are courtesy of The Wall Street Journal.

1. Establish your goals: According to the Journal, goals relating to career change should be sorted into three categories: short-term goals, intermediate goals, and long-term goals.

2. Do your homework: If you are going to change careers, you would do well to identify which industries are expanding. Job boards and business news publications are the best places to look. The Journal also identifies the Labor Department’s Occupational Outlook Handbook (which can be found on the website of the Bureau of Labor Statistics) as a good research source.

3. Evaluate Your Skills: There are some aptitude tests that you can undergo to find out exactly where your strengths lie. The three tests that the Journal recommends are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Strong Interest Inventory, and Campbell Interest & Skill Survey.

4. Find out what skills you’ll need for your new career path: You’ll have to do some more research to cover this step. Networking comes into play as well. Taking classes and doing volunteer work can help you improve on the necessary skills if your credentials are lacking.

By Kyle Wise

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